
The territory of Sungurlare municipality is one of the biggest in
Burgas county. It is situated on area of 824.4 sq. m. in the northwestern
part of Burgas county. On the north it is bounded by Shumen county,
on the east by Ruen municipality, on the south - by Karnobat municipality
and on the west it borders by the Sliven and Yambol counties.
The administrative centre of the municipality is the town of Sungurlare,
situated in the beautiful Sungurlare Valley which spreads form the
village of Mokren to the village of Lozarevo.
The area is a rich combination of mountain, hilly and flat terrain.
The climate is moderately continental. It is characterized by mild
winter, early spring, mild summer and warm autumn. Climatic conditions
are optimal for growing all kinds of agricultural crops and mainly
vineyards and grain crops. Twenty-three decares of vineyards are
cultivated - wine varieties, mainly "Red Muskatel" with
annual production about 25 000 tons of grape. 15 000 tons of wheat
and 6000 tons of barley are produced from 70 000 decares of grain
crops. The Sungurlare region is well-known in Bulgaria and abroad
for its marvellous wines. The most famous brand called Sungurlarski
misket is made from the grapes grown in the adjacent wine-growing
villages and towns - Grozden, Slavyantsi, Choubra, Lozitsa and Chernitsa.