Kabile Archaeology Reserve

Kabile National Archaeology Reserve is situated 6 km north of the
town of Yambol. It preserves the ruins of the most significant antique
Thracian town of Kabile. This economic, political and cultural centre
of Ancient Thrace has been investigated for more than 25 years.
The remains are really impressive. There is an archaeological museum
as well. Working hours: summer time - 8.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m., winter
time - 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. A bus runs from Yambol to the museum
9 times a day.
The Thracian royal city of Cabyle is located on a plateau, crowned
with a stone acropolis, which is a sanctuary-observatory (see below).
According to some observations, the following things have been discovered
there: a rock-cut "Cybela relief", the foundations of
a public building, and two rectangular chambers having most likely
a cult-related character (Velkov, 1982a; Najdenova 1982).
The name of the habitat originates from Cybela (according to Velkov
1982: 14). A later toponym of the habitat is Dampolis/Diampolis
as a corruption of Diospolis (Velkov 1977: 130-131). Fol, 1994:
219-224 states the hypothesis that Diospolis, i. e., "Zeus's
city", is a translation-description of the honoring of a supreme
male god, most likely Sabasius. Partially, the reason for this hypothesis
is the possible etymology Kab-/Sab- in the root of Cabyle's name.
The second part of the toponym 'yle gives the opportunity for using
"sacred forest", i. e., Cabyle's name to depict "Sabo's
(belonging to Sabasius) holy forest". This interpretation is
supported by the rock-cut monument on the top which functioned during
the 2-1 mil. BC.
The place of residence originated around the sanctuary at the end
of the 2 mil. BC. The plateau is located at the rover Tundzha"s
turn south towards Edirne (today's Turkey), and dominates over the
plain. The ceramics discovered from 10-6 c. BC proves that the place
of residence existed during the early Iron Age as well.
Cabyle was a key place on the way from Aenos (today's Enes), next
to Maritza river's mouth (ancient Hebros), to Hemus (Stara Planina)
and the lower course of the Danube river. Cabyle was also important
if one was traveling diagonally from Byzantium through Serdika (Sofia)
- Naissos (Nish) towards the middle course of the Danube river (Fol
This location predetermined the destiny of the place of residence
for centuries to come. The archaeological material shows that during
5-4 c. BC the city maintained important trade relationships with
the Hellenic cities at the Aegean and Black sea coasts.